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Master of Arts in Educational Leadership (MAEL): Cognition, 动机, and Development

Servant Leadership Institute | 教育学院

Cognition, 动机, and Development Specialization

今天的教育专业人员面临着许多挑战,因为他们与学生有复杂的, diverse backgrounds. Concordia University Irvine’s M.A. in Educational Leadership with specialization in Cognition, 动机, 与发展提供了一种全人的方法来促进人类成长的各个领域,以便学生得到身体上的支持, 在学业上, 行为, 和情感上.

这一专业从教育心理学的角度来研究学生是如何作为人类发展的, the ways students process and learn, and how motivation can be used as a tool to foster well-rounded citizens. 在这个节目中, 您将深入了解学生如何学习,并获得一系列教学技能,以帮助满足学习中的个体差异,并减轻学生面临的挑战性问题.


10 Months Completion Time



康考迪亚大学拥有一支由经验丰富的基督教教育者组成的强大师资队伍,他们忠实于大学“赋予学生权力”的使命. . . for lives of learning, service, and 领导.“我们的学生受益于教育工作者,他们信奉仆人式领导的原则,尊重学生,同时推动他们充分发挥潜力.

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier

教授 & Servant Leadership Institute Director

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier于1978年开始他的教学生涯,并于1988年从中学教育过渡到大学教育. Dr. 1988年至2003年,Schlichtemeier担任Concordia University Irvine教育学院的教授,在那里他指导未来的教师,并于1996年在加州大学洛杉矶分校完成了他的教育领导博士学位. Dr. 2003年至2007年,Schlichtemeier在奥兰治路德高中担任教师和副校长,之后返回康科迪亚任教, serving as Dean of the 教育学院, and founding the Servant Leadership Institute.


Dr. 洛丽·多伊尔

Associate 教授 and MAEL Director

Dr. 洛丽·多伊尔是Concordia University Irvine的教育学副教授,在那里她担任教育领导力硕士项目主任和仆人式领导力研究所助理主任. 她在大学完成并管理了广泛的Curriculum开发项目,并担任多个硕士Curriculum的主题专家. Working as an instructor also keeps her mindful of relevant and changing trends in education. Lori has taught at several universities over the past twenty-two years, but her 护理er began as a high school English and theology teacher and Curriculum writer. She holds a California Clear Credential in Secondary Education, MAEd in Curriculum and 指令, and a PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Cognition. Her areas of research interest are adult education, 圣经的上下文, 领导, Curriculum, Social Emotional Learning, and faculty mental health.



Concordia’s 研究生 教育学院 offers four graduate certificates, five distinctive master's degrees, and a Doctorate of Education (EdD)领导力. Classes are small and focused on the development of critical, independent thinking, and are taught by experienced Christian faculty members. 康考迪亚的教育学院在学术界享有很高的声誉,成千上万的毕业生在整个地区的学校中处于领先地位. Students gain targeted knowledge and proficient skills to connect, 护理, 合作, and create in their unique role in education. Our goal is to equip students to pursue opportunities and advance their 护理ers.
